Below are samples of papers and tasks done by our firm (PDF).
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- Business Plan: Producer of Advanced Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Presentation: Producer of Advanced Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Business Plan: Marketer and Distributer of Mobile Phones and Accessories
- Capital Raising: Technology Firm
- Business Plan: Developer and Manufacturer of Food Supplements and Vitamins
- Beer Consumption Habit in Israel – Sector Overview and Market Analysis
- Stocktaking: National Policy Supporting Small Businesses – MEDA-ETE Regional Project funded by the EU (2008)
- Stocktaking: National Policy Supporting Small Businesses – MEDA-ETE Regional Project funded by the EU (2006)
- Business Plan: Producer and Wholesale Marketer of an Eyewear Brand
- Criteria for Estimation Value-of Government Owned Companies
NOTE: The English version of the website is short and concise. The full text is in the Hebrew version.